Sunday, September 16, 2007

6 Steps to Starting a Business

Orange Country has  some tips around building a business plan or buying a business.


daily p&l profit calculator spreadsheet filetype:xls - Google Search

A Profit & Loss Spreadsheet would be a good first step for managing the accounting of a small business.  If you can get the daily P&L down to a science, it will make it easier to predict how well you will do in the future.

Source: daily p&l profit calculator spreadsheet filetype:xls - Google Search

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

VentureBeat » Rosy conditions for raising VC

People are looking outside the stock market for returns. 

It was the second largest increase since the survey six years ago, exceeded only by a 75 percent increase in the first quarter of the year. The survey measured the change in share price during the round. Web 2.0 companies are especially hot. Of 12 financings where the stock price was more than three-fold higher, seven were Web 2.0 or related fields, said Barry Kramer, a partner at the firm.

Source: VentureBeat » Rosy conditions for raising VC

Here is a list of the top 100 firms.

Here's wikipedia's take.

Here's a list of Venture Capital blogs from